Mavin’s Chairman attended APEC CEO Summit 2017

APEC Economic Leaders’ Week 2017 has officially opened in Da Nag since 6/11/2017. With the participating of leaders of 21 member countries, over 10,000 delegates domestically and oversea as well as thousands of journalists around world, this can be considered as one of the biggest foreign relation events in recent years.

Meanwhile, APEC CEO Summit is one of the most important events in APEC ELW, was held from 8 – 10/11. CEO Summit has 15 meetings with the participation from APEC’s members’ leaders, organizations, and reputable companies around the world. APEC CEO Summit is the biggest international event of Vietnam to the oveasea business community ever. Mavin’s Chairman, Mr David John Whitehead is one of the representative of the foreign funded companies community specifically and Australian funded as a whole to participate in this big and meaningful event.

At the CEO Summit, Mavin’s Chairmain – Mr David – has the opportunity to meet up with many world leaders, “giant” in the international business world. Mr David also spent some times to introduce to the communities and fellow companies the achievement that Mavin gained in recent years and Mavin’s plan in the future to sustainable development the Agriculture of Vietnam, handing to the Vietnamese people the best quality and hygienic agriculture products, as well as the possibilities of introducing Vietnamese agriculture products to the world.

Vietnam’s President, Mr Tran Dai Quang gave his speech in the opening ceremony of APEC CEO Summit 2017

Australian Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Turnbull, arriving in Da Nang

Australian Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Turnbull‘s having a selfie with Mavin’s Chairmain, Mr David