Mavin Farm Joint Stock Company is an important link in the “From Farm to Table” supply chain of Mavin Group. At the moment Mavin Farm has 5 Advanced Technology GGP Swine Breed Centers in Hung Yen, Binh Dinh, Nghe An, Gia Lai and Dong Thap.

Mavin Farm started from Swine Breeding Department of Mavin Group which was established in 2011. The best breed of pigs are imported from JSR Genetics, UK, bring the best quality piglets and meat, meet the demand of Vietnam consumers. Since the quality of the breed is assured and recognized by the market, Mavin Farm has expanded cooperation with farming household, providing them with piglets and advanced farming technology as well as covering the output of their products. Mavin Farm targets 100,000 active sows and 2,000,000 porkers as at 2027.

Mavin Farm’s business areas