Land Procurement and Acquisition, Involuntary Resettlement, Indigenous People and Cultural Heritage

Land Procurement and Acquisition, Involuntary Resettlement, Indigenous People and Cultural Heritage

To ensure that all land acquisition activities conducted by Mavin Group are carried out in a manner consistent with applicable standards and /regulations, e.g. including National Land Law and IFC PS 5 on Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement, to avoid, prevent and minimize any potentially adverse impact on the environment and community; thus, We will adhere to the following principles:

Avoid land acquisition leading to economic and physical displacement of local people, when avoidance is not possible, we will carefully consider minimizing displacement and other adverse social impacts from land acquisition by providing appropriate design options/alternatives for adequate mitigation. In parallel with that, we are committed to minimizing the physical relocation of people during the land acquisition, procurement and/or permanent lease process for our project development.

To Ensure no forced eviction is to be conducted. Instead of that, we pursue to achieve a negotiated settlement to reach mutually acceptable agreements on compensation, assistance and/or unit purchase price through a fair, goodwill and open negotiation process based on appropriate disclosure and consultation complying with current national regulations and IFC PS 5.

Where LURC land-use right certificate holdings are not essential for land security, we seek MOU Memorandum of Understanding arrangements that allow landowners full access to their land while entering into benefit-sharing arrangements.

Ensure that affected communities, especially the most vulnerable, are not adversely affected or significantly negatively impacted in any way.

Avoid land that is subject to ancestral/community attachment of an indigenous ethnic minority group, and where avoidance is not possible, we will identify and comprehensively consult with ethnic minority groups according to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) principles and develop an appropriate Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) in compliance with IFC PS7 on Indigenous People.

Avoid any development of land directly related to cultural heritage (both indigenous and non-indigenous) as defined by IFC PS8 on Cultural Heritage and Mavin Group respects cultural heritages and customs within and in proximity area of our business location.