Environment, Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention & Biodiversity Conservation and Animal Welfare

Environment, Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention

Mavin Group commits to be going to put ESMS in place an ESMS consisting of identification, assessment and management of E&S impacts, hazards and risks on the basis of a systematical manner from pre-construction, construction, operation and decommissioning phases. 

As a consequence, Mavin Group is definitely promoting the application of management and technical solutions to alleviate negative environmental impacts including sustainable waste management, energy and resources efficiency use, continuous monitoring and improvement of production and business activities according to a standardized ESMS complying with national regulations and international requirements.

The commitments to environmental protection, resource efficiency and pollution prevention will be widely spread to all of our operations (including Mavin Farm contracted operations), our officers, and employees as well as our Affiliates  to raise awareness and jointly effectively implement actions to protect the environment and biodiversity.

Biodiversity Conservation and Animal Welfare

We will definitely avoid any development in an area identified as Natural Habitat or Critical Habitat, and areas identified as World Heritage Sites and Alliance for Zero Extinction sites as defined by IFC PS6 on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources, and develop only in areas identified as modified/adjusted habitat. “No net loss” and “Net gain” principles in biodiversity conservation will be admitted and applied by us.

Given the specificity of our business, Mavin Group will apply and practice prevailing animal welfare standards; accordingly, animals on the farms owned or contracted by Mavin Group are guaranteed to be in good physical and mental health. Moreover, the best international practices associated with biosecurity and anti-biotic usage in husbandry will be also admitted and applied by us.