Mavin continues to be a Leading Innovative and Effective Business

On 28/5/2024, Mavin Group was honored for the second year in a list of Top 10 Most Innovative and Effective Agricultural Enterprises in 2024 (Agriculture Group – Breeding, Livestock, and Food Production), as announced by Viet Research in collaboration with Investment Newspaper.

The VIE10 program (Top 10 Most Innovative Enterprises Vietnam) celebrates innovative, effective, and high-growth potential businesses in key economic sectors. The evaluation and ranking criteria for VIE10 include business performance and value added through innovation (revenue, profit, total assets, ROE, ROA, growth rate, R&D investment efficiency) and the enterprise's innovation and modernization in terms of corporate culture, budget allocation for R&D, and innovation strategies for products and services.

According to the organizers, in the face of challenges such as climate change, increasing food demand, and high-quality product requirements, innovation and high-tech applications are essential for sustainable and effective development in agriculture. VIE10 enterprises, including Mavin Group, have proactively invested in and applied advanced European-standard production technologies, such as automatic feeding and drinking systems, post-harvest technology, high-yield breeds, cage and floor systems, cooling and heating systems, which result in high economic efficiency.

Mavin is a pioneer in digital transformation and high-tech, automated production in the agricultural sector. Notably, Mavin is the first company in the industry to implement the ERP SAP S4/HANA system across its entire value chain: Feed, Farm, Food, Vet. Mavin's success in digitizing the value chain has inspired many agricultural enterprises in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Top 10 Innovative Agricultural Enterprises of 2024. Source: Viet Research