Duck breeding techniques traininng for Poor Households in Thanh Hoa

In an effort to create sustainable livelihoods for poor and ethnic minority households in Quan Hoa District, Thanh Hoa Province, Mavin Group, in collaboration with World Vision Vietnam, conducted direct training sessions on meat duck farming techniques for 80 households on May 23-24, 2024. The program also included the participation of officials from the Quan Hoa District Agriculture Department, local veterinary officers, and local collaborators from World Vision Vietnam.

Pic 1: Training in Ban Mo, Phu Xuan Commune

Technical staff from Mavin Duckfarm visited several poor villages in Quan Hoa District, including Ban Lep - Nam Tien Commune, Ban Chong - Thien Phu Commune, Ban Bat - Nam Dong Commune, and Ban Mo - Phu Xuan Commune. The training program in each village included a seminar on meat duck farming techniques, covering topics such as building coops, feed troughs, brooding equipment, duck ponds, nutrition, and disease prevention. Immediately after the seminar, the staff provided hands-on guidance at the coops, helping farmers familiarize themselves with essential farming tools and practices such as feed troughs, drinkers, brooding lights, and how to enclose the coops to protect the ducks from harmful animals.

Quan Hoa is one of the poor mountainous districts of Thanh Hoa Province, where super meat duck farming is not yet common. Therefore, Mavin Group's training program attracted significant attention and registrations from numerous farmers.

Image 2: Training in Ban Lep, Nam Tien Commune

To accommodate the training schedule, Mavin staff often started early in the morning and finished late in the evening, as the farmers were eager and had many questions about the new farming techniques that needed to be answered thoroughly and clearly.

Mr. Nguyen Kien, a meat duck farming technician from Mavin Group, expressed his empathy for the people of Quan Hoa as they were introduced to modern farming techniques for the first time. “I vividly remember a time in Ban Lep, Nam Tien Commune, when it started raining during a hands-on training session at a household. Despite the rain, the farmers stayed to listen to the instructions. I was deeply moved and became even more dedicated to sharing my knowledge, in response to the farmers' eagerness to learn,” Mr. Kien recalled.

Pic 3: Training in Ban Chong, Thien Phu Commune

The households expressed their concerns about the quality of their farming products and market outlets. However, with the thorough guidance of the technical staff and the commitment of Mavin Group and World Vision, the farmers gained confidence in having a successful farming season.

Immediately after the training, the farmers began preparing their coops to receive ducklings, feed, and medicine, and started the farming process, with the expectation of selling their ducks by early July 2024. Throughout the farming process, local veterinary officers and World Vision collaborators will provide technical support, assist with vaccinations, and more. Additionally, Mavin staff will continuously interact with the farmers via a hotline to answer any questions 24/7.