Livelihood support to farmers of Nhu Xuan

On March 23, 2021, in Nhu Xuan district - Thanh Hoa province, Mavin Group and World Vision Organization donated 12,000 ducklings, accompanying with animal feed, veterinary medicine and technique transfer to 105 households in 5 communes Hoa Quy, Thanh Lam, Binh Luong, Thuong Ninh and Yen Cat town.

This activity is part of the Social Responsibility Project, co-sponsored by Mavin Group and World Vision Organization, to generate sustainable income, as well as give technical instruction to farmers, which has been deployed for 3 consecutive years from 2019.

In 2021, the project choose super-lean duck raising, whereby households are supported with the cost of breeds, feed, vaccines and veterinary medicines, and are carefully transferred raising technique for 12,000 Mavin ducks of the period from 1 to 31 days of age. Farmers will also self-finance the cost of raising ducks from 32 days old until they are sold. In conditions that ducks are raised under the technique advised by Mavin and using completely Mavin's feed, Mavin ducks can reach a weight of 3.2 - 3.7 kg after 42 to 50 days old and be ready for sale.

According to the World Vision Organization, the criteria set out for the selection of households to be sponsored are those who are poor but must have sufficient labor and minimum conditions for farms and resources water for breeding according to technical requirements from Mavin. The selected households form groups according to the commune and operate according to the general regulations. Each household will contribute 10% of the total value of sold duck to the group to maintain production and expand to other beneficiaries in the area.

This is the third consecutive year the program has been implemented in Nhu Xuan, Thanh Hoa with the participation of Mavin Group. In previous years, clean pigs and clean chickens were raised successfully, contributing to improving livelihoods, helping hundreds of poor households to master modern breeding and earn their living.