Mavin Group and the 'predestined' relationship with the land of Pink Lotus

Choose Dong Thap because the province has new and progressive thinking

Mr. David John Whitehead said: "From the beginning, we have received an enthusiastic welcome and support from leaders and authorities of Dong Thap province. These are very professional, open-minded and highly responsible people for local development. Therefore, we stick and look forward to continuing to expand investment in Dong Thap."

Consistent with the roadmap to close the value chain from farm to table and sustainable development goals, Mavin Group is investing in many large projects across the country, in which Dong Thap is selected as a potential destination, with many important livestock projects.

Mavin Austfeed Dong Thap Feedmill

In 2018, Mavin put into operation Mavin Austfeed Dong Thap Animal Feed Factory in Cai Tau Ha Industrial Park (An Nhon Commune, Chau Thanh District). The factory was built with an area of 4.9 hectares, investment capital of VND 675 billion, designed capacity of 400,000 tons / year; applying advanced technology of Buhler (Switzerland) and reaching world class in Vietnam. For Mavin, the factory is an important start to complete the "From Farm to Table" value chain in the South of our country.

Not only contributing to taxes, the factory also put into operation also created jobs for hundreds of workers in the area. In terms of expertise, the project is part of the strategy to expand production, meet the demand for animal feed for the Western market, contributing to significantly reducing the cost of farmers. This is really important, especially in the context that the whole industry is facing many difficulties and challenges due to the recent skyrocketing input prices.

In addition to contributing to local economic development, Mavin also actively participates in many development activities for the community. Typically, social security programs for poor students in Western provinces, Tet for poor people in Chau Thanh District, Cao Lanh District (Dong Thap); accompanying the rescue of purple sweet potatoes, supporting people affected by the Covid-19 epidemic...

Chairman of Mavin Group affirmed that in addition to special advantages compared to other provinces in the region such as favorable geographical location, diligent people, Dong Thap is likened to a "newly blooming lotus", with many new policies, new thinking very creative and progressive. Therefore, Mavin Group decided to choose Dong Thap as the center for business activities for Mavin to continue expanding its value chain activities in the southern provinces.

My Long High-tech Breed Research and Development Center plays an important role in the livestock restructuring of Dong province 

Continue to expand investment

In 2023, Mavin Group will continue to invest in the project of building My Long High-tech Breed Research and Development Center in My Long commune (Cao Lanh District) to produce breeding pigs; chickens, meat ducks high-tech breeds. This is currently one of the major agricultural projects of Dong Thap, receiving a lot of attention and encouragement from local authorities.

In addition to producing high-quality breeds, the project also focuses on other aspects of waste treatment and water regeneration under the circular agriculture model to realize the goal of environmental protection and reducing the consumption of natural resources of Mavin. With a large total investment of nearly 20 million USD, Mavin believes that it will set a new standard in high-tech breeding, automation and applying circular economy in the group's livestock activities in the Western provinces.

When completed, this 45-hectare breeding project will have a capacity of 3,000 breeding pigs / year, 70,000 commercial pigs / year, 20,000 breeding ducks / year, 4 million ducklings / year, 30,000 breeding chickens / year and 6 million chicks / year.

The implementation of the investment project of the High-tech Seed Research and Development Center in My Long commune also has great socio-economic significance for Dong Thap. In addition to contributing budget revenue to the province, it also creates jobs for people, helping to promote economic development.

Mavin My Long High-tech Seed Center applies tunnel barn technology, water treatment and livestock waste according to the circular model, minimizing the use of new resources and increasing the rate of recycling and reuse

Mavin My Long High-tech Seed Center applies tunnel barn technology, water treatment and livestock waste according to the circular model, minimizing the use of new resources and increasing the rate of recycling and reuse

According to Mr. David John Whitehead, My Long Breeding Center will apply modern breeding technology, meeting world standards, helping to create high-quality breeds, meeting the demand for quality finished meat. On the other hand, the project implemented in an area with centralized livestock planning also helps to control the risk of environmental pollution of the area.

The project will also support professional husbandry knowledge and techniques for local people, promote the local economy through service activities: animal husbandry, transportation, trade, food trading, as well as improve the living conditions of local people through access to locally processed food at reasonable prices.

Currently, Mavin is carrying out the final stages of construction, expected to put the project into operation by the end of 2024. With the goal of improving productivity and quality of livestock breeds, Mavin My Long Project is the answer to the policy of restructuring the livestock industry of Dong Thap province.