Mavin sponsor clean water well for Kbang District of Gia Lai Province

Right in the middle of the time when Kbang district is suffering from drought, lack of water for daily use, a great joy has come to teachers and students at To Kor school of So Pai commune, Kbang District, Gia Lai Province. The well funded by Mavin Group has provided clean water for schools and poor people there.

According to Mr. Vo Thanh - Chairman of So Pai Commune People's Committee, the commune is located on high mountains, rock and clay geology, added to that, the village is about 5 km from the center of the commune. Therefore, finding and building a clean water system that both ensures the school's operation and serves the daily needs of the people face many difficulties. With the well of Mavin Group, total sponsor value of nearly 66 million VND, everyone was happy to have clean water for daily use.

The joy of teachers, households and students when there is clean water for daily life

Looking at the students laughing with the water, village elder Dinh Van Ngon excitedly said: “The clean water project has been a long-standing dream of the villagers, students and teachers. From now on people do not have to contribute money to buy drinking water and use domestic water in other water channels”.

Teacher Nguyen Thi Hong Men - Principal of So Pai Primary and Secondary School confided: “As long as 100% of the students are ethnic minority children, the activity and learning events encountered many difficulties. For a long time, the water source that students' families and schools use every day are self-flowing water works, unhygienic rivers and streams. By that, there is clean water to use, the students are very happy, the teachers are also assured. We are really touched by the very meaningful and humane gift of Mavin Group to teachers, students and children in the village”.

The company's mineral water that is put into use has a special meaning not only for teachers and students, but also the joy of the people, especially at a time when there is a serious shortage of domestic water, eliminating worries about polluted water sources and diseases. 

In Kbang district (Gia Lai), Mavin is building a pig breeding farm in So Pai commune with a total area of more than 60 hectares, with an investment of 120 billion VND (phase 1). Over the past time, the Group has also accompanied Kbang district in many social security programs such as: Giving learning tools to nearly 200 students in So Pai commune on the occasion of the new school year 2020 - 2021, donating 20,000 chickens and ducks for poor households in the area with a total value of over 400 million VND….