Mavin Group 2024: "Mindset Transition"

On 15/01/2024, in Hanoi, Mavin Group will hold a meeting to review its 2023 activities and plan for 2024. Attending the meeting were the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors of the Group's branches, the Division Director and the Head of Head Office/Department.

General Director Dao Manh Luong spoke at the Conference.

Representatives of leaders of Feed – Farm – Food – Vet industries presented the 2023 operating results and shared the industry's goals for 2024 and implementation solutions.

It can be said that 2023 is a challenging year for the agriculture, food industry in general and Mavin in particular. The supply of pigs from businesses and farms increased, meanwhile, people's purchasing power of food decreased compared to before, causing the price of live pigs for slaughter to continuously decrease. This trend has significantly affected Mavin's business results, especially affecting the pig industry – the Group's key business area.

Despite this, Mavin is still proud to be one of the businesses that maintain continuous and sustainable operations in the difficult market context. The Group's activities recorded many positive results, including the successful export of a number of products to the Southeast Asian market.

Commenting on 2024, Mr. Dao Manh Luong, General Director of Mavin Group affirmed that next year will be more difficult for the industry and for Mavin, requiring each Mavin person to "transform their thinking" – change management thinking to increase Mavin's competitiveness in the market.

For the whole Mavin system, the General Director said that the core goal in 2024 is to "Optimize costs" through solutions on operational restructuring, model restructuring in the direction of simplification.

To achieve this goal, the General Director requested sectors and companies to closely monitor and supervise the implementation of the set of performance indicators, especially propose early to the Board of Directors adjustments in organizational structure, rearrange personnel in the direction of shortening the decision-making process, shorten supply chains, thereby maximizing the flexibility to adapt, empower and operate effectively across industries. 

"From small steps, Mavin has created a strong footprint over the past 20 years, elevating the "From Farm to Table" value chain. Over the next 20 years, Mavin will shape into an Agri-Food Company and nurture his dream of becoming a Food Company in the future. 2024 will be the beginning of many of the next 20 years. It is time for each Mavin person to change their mindset, set operational goals and set important results for themselves, their Departments and Units." The General Director spoke to the managers and executives of the whole Group.