Mavin Foundation 2023: Spreading the Love

The Mavin Foundation was established in 2019 to mobilize resources inside and outside Mavin to carry out charitable and humanitarian activities, supporting especially difficult circumstances.

In 2023, thanks to contributions from Mavin Runners' staff, the Mavin Runners Club's running activity comes from the Group's profits, ... The Mavin Charity Foundation has continued its mission of spreading Mavin's love to the community. The total amount of funding the Fund has provided to the community in 2023 is VND 1 billion, according to 4 objectives: Supporting disadvantaged Mavin cadres, Supporting the poor, Livelihood Financing and Education Development.

According to Mr. David John Whitehead, Chairman of Mavin Group: "Today's businesses in general and Mavin in particular are paying attention to more than just profits. Including sustainable business activities – what businesses contribute to the community, how to connect the community and be recognized as a good citizen enterprise". The Mavin Charity Foundation is one of the initiatives for Mavin to give back to the community, practice RESPONSIBLE and SUSTAINABLE business, towards becoming a good Citizen Enterprise.

Typical Charity Programs the Foundation has implemented in 2023: 
- Gave gifts for Lunar New Year 2023 to hundreds of poor households in Gia Lai, Dong Thap, Nghe An, Hung Yen provinces.

- Regular support for 10 Mavin staff with special difficulties throughout the system: monthly sharing the burden of living expenses, medical expenses, tuition fees for the children of cadres or their relatives.

- Support 6 children with congenital heart disease in Chau Thanh district, Dong Thap.

- Livelihood financing for 120 poor and ethnic minority households in Thanh Hoa (program in collaboration with World Vision VN), contributing to creating sustainable livelihoods for hundreds of poor households in the past 5 years.

- Support 24 households of invalids and martyrs and revolutionary families in difficult circumstances in K2 village, Vinh Son commune, Vinh Thanh district, Binh Dinh province, to respond to the movement "Drink water to remember the source" of the police of Binh Dinh province. 

- Donate 20 tons of cement to build resettlement houses for households who lost their homes due to storms, floods and landslides in Than Uyen district, Lai Chau province.

- Funding scientific research for Can Tho University in IFAC2023, contributing to support Can Tho University's fund for sustainable development of animal husbandry.

- Donate to buy bags for 50 poor students of primary schools in Sister Pai and Kroong communes (Kbang, Gia Lai) on the occasion of the opening season.

- Organize Mid-Autumn Festival and give gifts to 120 poor children Hien Luong Kindergarten (Hoa Binh), bringing a warm and meaningful Mid-Autumn Festival to them.

- Accompanying Anh Son Secondary School (Nghe An) – contributing to building a sports field for students to improve their health. 
- Sponsoring scholarships for poor students overcoming difficulties, Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine, Vietnam National University of Agriculture on the occasion of the opening of the new school year.

See details of the programs here: Mavin with the Community (

We would like to thank the donors for their unanimity and contribution to the Charity Fund in 2023 to implement extremely meaningful programs for the community, spreading love to difficult circumstances inside and outside the Mavin system in accordance with the spirit of "Good leaves cover torn leaves".

Let's look forward to 2024 – the 20th anniversary of Mavin Group with many meaningful programs of the Charity Foundation and let's continue our great mission: Spreading love to the community!

See more about the Charity Fund here: Mavin Foundation (