Dong Thap Provincial People's Committee visit Mavin's Feedmill

On 11th July 2021, Mr. Pham Thien Nghia - Chairman of the People's Committee of Dong Thap province, together with the delegation of Dong Thap province and Chau Thanh district, paid a visit to Mavin Austfeed Dong Thap Factory (MDT) after Chau Thanh district implemented social isolation within 15 days.

Due to the requirements of epidemic prevention, the delegation only stopped the car at the Feedmill’s gate, but after listening to the report and witnessing the strict Covid-19 prevention procedures of MDT, Mr. Pham Thien Nghia expressed his satisfaction and appreciated the seriousness and rigor in the control steps of the Factory.

Specifically, at MDT, all customers must comply with the checking steps, including:
Step 1: Make a medical declaration (electronic, paper version), sign the commitment document;
Step 2: Check body temperature.
All the above inspection steps require strict compliance with the 5K message and customers/drivers are not allowed to get off the bus to ensure disease safety.

For the work of ensuring the continuous operation of the Factory, currently, 100% of the employees of the production division have been asked to stay at the Factory 24/7, staff of back offices work from home. All meetings are conducted through online platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Video, etc. MDT has also ordered Covid rapid test kits to proactively respond, screening test for factory staff and customers.

The factory representative committed to share and support the policy of Dong Thap Province, determined to join hands to control the epidemic. Sharing with the Factory's difficulties in dealing with customers in increasingly tight conditions and increasing the level of epidemic prevention, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that it is urgent to apply such drastic measures to prevent the spread of the virus in the effort of stopping the chain of infection and limit the number of new cases that are increasing.

Leaders of Dong Thap province and Chau Thanh district also pledged to support Mavin in handling real-life situations flexibly and effectively on the principle of disease safety to ensure the business continuity of the enterprise.