18 years of joining hands to sustainably develop Vietnam's agricultural industry

Starting from a joint venture with Australia in the field of animal feed, after 18 years of operation, Mavin has continuously grown impressively and become one of the 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam. In particular, Mavin is also known as one of few company that owns the full supply chain "From Farm to Table"...

Mavin Aquaculture Export Center (Hoa Binh Lake).

Our country's agriculture and livestock industry has changed drastically in the past decade. Smallholder farming is shrinking and professional livestock households are increasingly popular. Farmers are getting used to the concepts of smart agriculture, applying 4.0 technology. Livestock technology is gradually approaching the world level, the quality of output products is increasing and gradually meets the requirements of the world food supply chain.

Vietnam has been on the export map of some agricultural products of the world and is continuing its efforts to diversify livestock products for export. Contributing to the process of "professionalization" of the agricultural sector must be mentioned the extremely dynamic and active role of enterprises.

Not only growing rapidly in scale, serving the needs of domestic consumers and aiming for exports, enterprises also make important contributions to changing the face and nature of the livestock industry, from the scale of households, rudimentary crafts to industrial large scale, actively contribute to community activities.

As an enterprise with investment capital from Australia with 18 years of operation, Mavin Group is known as a large enterprise in agribusiness actively applying high technology and automation. Mavin is also an enterprise that attaches importance to sustainable development with many initiatives on environmentally friendly production, biosecurity, and care for the community.

A Mavin’s feedmill

Starting from a joint venture with Australia in the field of animal feed, after 18 years of operation, Mavin has continuously grown impressively and become one of the 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam. In particular, Mavin is known as among few companies operating in a full supply chain: Feed- Farm – Food – Vet.

The application of high technology is considered an important factor to create Mavin's competitive advantage. Mavin has 5 animal feedmills applying the most modern Swiss production technology, nearly 100 closed industrial livestock farms applying high technology, automation, ensuring biosafety condition.

Mavin also owns a WHO-GMP veterinary pharmaceutical factory, a food processing factory with technology imported entirely from Germany.

Signing ceremony between Mavin Group and IFC

Innovative thinking, high-tech application has helped Mavin bring consumers and livestock farmers clean, safe, traceable agricultural products - "Clean from the Source", ensuring food safety and hygiene. Mavin is the first Vietnamese company to export official pork to Myanmar in 2018, other livestock products also meet the strictest standards of quality such as: tilapia products meeting Song Da – Hoa Binh fish standards, clean food from sources meeting HACCP and ISO 22000 standards, veterinary medicines that meet WHO-GMP standards...

Currently, Mavin is one of the 3 leading pigfarm companies in the market and 1 of the 10 largest animal feed producers in Vietnam. Mavin has been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam as a high-tech agricultural enterprise, and especially received the Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister for outstanding achievements in the restructuring of the industry, rural construction.

2022 marks an important milestone in the mavin group's journey of establishment and development when it officially becomes a strategic partner of the International Finance Corporation (a member of the World Bank). In addition to financial support, IFC will also advise and support Mavin Group to pioneer the improvement of animal welfare conditions including the implementation and application of a group pig farming model, helping to improve breeding practices in Vietnam, meeting and in line with European standards on animal welfare.

Mavin's pig farm in Binh Dinh province

"Our target is to become a safe, nutritional and hygienic food producer. That's why we need sufficient resources to quickly increase farming capacity and improve the quality of our pork to meet the market demand for safe and traceable products. FC’s support in financing and their knowledge and expertise can help us become the leader in safe food production under the "From Farm to Table" supply chain in Vietnam and assist Mavin to meet international best practices in pig farming" - Mr. David John Whitehead, Mavin Group's Chairman, said.

Mavin is continuing to expand the supply chain into the fields of poultry farming, aquaculture and efforts to expand the market to Indochina countries. Mavin also has invested in a digital transformation program in the 5-year period from 2019 – 2023 including 4 pillars: ERP, cloud computing, digital, smart farming with the goal of becoming the most innovative digital enterprise in Agribusiness of Vietnam. With the vision and determination to digitize, Mavin commits to join hands with the Vietnamese people to sustainably develop the country's Agriculure.

Source: Dan Viet e-newspaper (article link: Tập đoàn Mavin: 18 năm Chung tay phát triển bền vững ngành nông nghiệp Việt Nam (danviet.vn)