Mavin Group awards scholarships to students of Veterinary Medicine

On 22/11/2022, Mavin Group attended the closing ceremony of the academic year 2021-2022 of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Vietnam National University of Agriculture and awarded scholarships to students. 

Mr. Pham Cao Bang - Director of Mavin Pigfarm attended and represented Mavin Group to award scholarships to good students, students with excellent achievements and poor students overcoming difficulties.

Mavin Group and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Vietnam National University of Agriculture have signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement from 2020, according to which the most important content is that Mavn will receive students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from the 3rd year to practice at Mavin farm system and commit to create the best living and working conditions for students. member during the entire internship.

In addition, Mavin Group also provides many scholarships for poor students of the Academy of Agriculture in general and the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries in particular...