Mavin Group accompanies the 1st Hong Ngu - Dong Thap pangasius festival

On 16-17/12/2022, in Hong Ngu City - Dong Thap province, for the first time, the Pangasius Festival was held to promote and show gratitude to pangasius farming, one of the key economic sectors of Dong Thap province in particular and the Mekong Delta region in general.

Mavin Group is honored to be one of the main sponsors of the Festival, thereby contributing to Dong Thap province to promote pangasius products, building the image of "Hong Ngu - the pangasius capital".

Director General of the Directorate of Fisheries Tran Dinh Luan visited Mavin’s booth at Hong Ngu Pangasius Festival

The 1st Hong Ngu Dong Thap Pangasius Festival - 2022 is organized to encourage and recognize the positive contribution of the pangasius industry in the economy of the locality and the Mekong Delta region, introduce and honor pangasius images and products as traditional local industries, affirming the value, origin and brand of Vietnamese pangasius in general and Dong Thap in particular. Not only encapsulated in entertainment activities, the festival is also a place to honor individuals, units and organizations that have made many contributions to the development of the pangasius industry and community activities...

Mavin Group receives flowers and medals of gratitude from the organizers of the festival

At the festival, Mavin organized a booth to introduce the supply chain "From Farm to Table" to people in Hong Ngu anh western provinces. Products of Mavin Group such as: animal feed branded Mavin Austfeed, Stargro, veterinary medicine branded Mekovet, which are already very familiar to farmers in the Western provinces, have especially attracted the attention and support of many livestock households visiting the festival.

Mavin Group's booth to introduce "From Farm to Table" supply chain 

As one of the main sponsors of the Festival, Mavin Group has affirmed its position as one of the key investors of Dong Thap province, demonstrating its commitment to accompanying Dong Thap to attract investment and socio-economic development.