Kick-off MyMavin project

On 8/11/2022, Mavin Group officially launched the MyMavin software system implementation project. The project is accompanied by one of the leading technology companies in Vietnam - FPT Information System Co., Ltd. 

FPT partner presented MyMavin solution

As part of the roadmap to improve the corporate culture experience for employees, MyMavin plays the role of disseminating news, events, updated activities of the Group to each Mavin member, as well as a two-way interaction channel between Mavin and employees, a channel for reward communication, encourage creativity, integrate utilities to support managers and deploy work quickly and effectively...

MyMavin will also serve as a portal that integrates user data with other systems such as: HiStaff human resource management software, E-learning online training software, PorkerFloor pork farm software system, SowConnect/Porcitec sow farm management system, Services Desk Plus request management system.... thereby, staff can interact directly on a single system and these data will be transferred to the satellite business system or can be transferred from MyMavin to other business software conveniently.

According to Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Deputy General Director of Mavin Group, MyMavin is a technology solution that helps Mavin's employees get closer together, build a Mavin corporate cultural identity and most importantly, will contribute to increasing the long-term connection and engagement of employees with the Group. The Deputy General Director also affirmed that MyMavin is just the first step in cooperating with FPT to harness the power of digital technology to increase labor productivity and improve work efficiency.

According to Deputy Director Nguyen Anh Tuan, MyMavin will help Mavin members get closer together.

The MyMavin project has an implementation period of 4.5 months and will be implemented centrally at Mavin Group Headquarters in Hanoi with the participation of nearly 20 staff representing users from Mavin member units. The project is implemented according to Agile methodology through strict steps including centralized survey, business standardization, end-user testing and centralized training before the official Go-live in April 2023.

Members of MyMavin Project Committee and FPT partners take souvenir photos to kick-off the project