Mavin strives to produce during the epidemic season

The Covid-19 epidemic in Vietnam has seriously affected people's lives, slowed down production of factories, also caused difficulties to livestock production. Despite facing many challenges, Mavin has strictly applied epidemic prevention and control solutions, endeavored to the production and business continuity, promptly supported the needs of customers.

Maintain continuous production, timely support customer

During the past 2 months of the peak of the Covid-19 epidemic, Mavin's factories and farms in the north-central-south has mostly applied the "3 on-site" solution (work – eat – sleep at the factory) as well as fully applied anti-epidemic measures to maintain production and supply of products to the market.

To implement "3 on-site", Mavin has prepared facilities to ensure the distance in production, eating and resting for employees. Input supplies are arranged to receive at a separate location and disinfect before being brought into the Factory. Direct contact transactions are limited: 100% drivers are asked to be in the car during the entire import/export process; All sales transactions are done online.

Rest area for staff participating in “3 on-site”

In particular, Covid-19 test is carried out periodically: weekly rapid tests and PCR screening tests for divisions of high-risk or having direct contact with drivers such as security guards, kitchen staff…

At the same time, to ensure business continuity of the whole system, Mavin has applied 4.0 technology solutions (ERP SAP, cloud computing, farm management software, human resource software HiStaff, E-learning, E-Office ...), online platforms in conferences, seminars and training activities (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meeting, Emeeting) ...). Thereby, not only ensuring the normal operation of the whole system, but also changing the way of working to become more flexible and efficient, taking advantage of modern technology, unlimited in time and physical location.

The application of online platforms changes the flexible and efficient way of working

Thanks to flexible and synchronous solutions in Covid prevention, it has contributed to keeping Mavin system stable for more than 2 months during the peak of the epidemic. Mavin not only maintains and increases production, but also continuously offers initiatives and improvements to adapt to market changes and promptly meet the demand for safe food and livestock products during the epidemic season.

Specifically, Mavin Feed has researched and developed new products in response to concern of farmers to optimize livestock costs in the context of a difficult market (Mix for super pigs 8933CT and 9033CT).

For the food industry, Mavin Foods also runs online sales programs to support home delivery of hot dogs, balls, and spring rolls to customers who cannot go to the market due to the social distancing policy.

Take care of employees, share with the community

“3 on-site” solution also face many difficulties such as: high operating costs, arrangement of accommodation conditions for employees, employees worried about their family after a long stay at the factory, etc. Sharing with this mentality, Mavin focused on providing mechanisms and policies to support employees in order to share and encourage the spirit of employees. A number of after-hours recreational and extracurricular activities for employees who stay at the factory such as: physical training and sports, growing vegetables, art, improved meals, etc. are also organized to improve living standards, strengthen solidarity. For employees working from home due to social distancing, Mavin also has a policy to ensure their income, help employees feel content in their work and increase the spirit of sharing with the company.

 After-hours extracurricular activities of "3 on-site" staff

For the community, Mavin has joined hands to accompany and spread care, supporting doctors, frontline medical teams to fight the epidemic, sharing difficulties with those who are affected by the pandemic, poor students stuck in the city. The total number of sausages, spring rolls, and pellets sent by Mavin to the frontline and difficult circumstances in last 2 monsthe has reached over 10,000 kg of products.

 More than 10,000 kg of food donated to frontline forces and difficult circumstances

As an enterprise committed to the clean supply chain "From Farm to Table", dedicated to the development of the agricultural industry, Mavin is committed to making every effort to bring quality products to Vietnamese customer, ensuring food safety and hygiene, for the health of consumers and the sustainable agribusiness. With all the determination and consensus of the whole society, Mavin believe that Vietnam will quickly repel the epidemic and a bright future will come to everyone.