Mavin Group to control and prevent African Swine Flu

To control the African Swine Flu (ASF), being a professional agriculture company, Mavin Group has applied synchronously, drastically and strictly measures to control and prevent ASF in all Farms and Plants.

At livestock farms, Mavin has strictly applied measures:
• Improving biosecurity, including: increasing disinfection of people, means of transportation, tools and supplies ..., both entering and leaving camps to ensure internal and community safety;
• Limit of people entering and leaving the camp, 100% of people entering the camp need to remove all everyday clothes, go through disinfection area, clean and change work clothes, protective boots before entering the breeding area.
• Strict control supplying source of food and water for pigs used in farms. Ensure a clean source from raw materials to finished products and transportation.
• Actively training ASF prevention knowledge and measures to the community.

At all our feedmills, Mavin has installed an antiseptic spraying system, ensuring 100% of vehicles entering the plants are sprayed with total disinfectant. This is a safety control solution added to strict control the origin of raw materials and production processes. This solution also contributes to support the community as well as Mavin’s customers to control and prevent disease.

Antiseptic spraying system at Mavin's feedmills

In addition, to join hands with customers controlling ASF, Mavin Group has also give antiseptic drugs for all customers and animal feed agents nationwide for free. This program has been implemented since the end of 2018 with the budget up to billions of dong. In addition, from March 2019, Mavin will spray antiseptic drugs in neighborhood of all Farms.

Mr. Pham Cao Bang, Chief Operation Officer of Mavin Farm said: “Mavin's farm system has advanced farming methods and techniques, high level of breeding so the risk of ASF infection is very low. In particular, with a closed livestock supply chain and a strict biosecurity process, automation in many stages are the factors that help good control of the disease”.