Mavin - the most effective investment company of Dong Thap

On 15 February 2019, in Dong Thap, Mavin Group was praised as the No. 1 company in effective investment and contributing to socio-economic development of Chau Thanh district.

Representative of Mavin (the second from the left) received the Certificate of Merit from Chau Thanh district's leaders.

This content was in the New Year meeting with typical enterprises of Chau Thanh district. At the meeting, Mavin Austfeed Dong Thap Factory was commended by the District at the No. 1 position out of 90 enterprises in the area, being the largest and most modern investment plant. Mavin is also credited with cooperating well with local authorities in economic - cultural - community development. Leaders of Chau Thanh District expressed the expectation that Mavin will have many local development investment programs in the future.

In Dong Thap, Mavin Group has invested and put into operation an Animal Feedmill at Cai Tau Ha Industrial Zone, Chau Thanh district since early 2018. After nearly 1 year of operation, the Plant has contribute positively to the local budget as well as create jobs for local people.

Besides contributing to local economic development, Mavin also actively participated in many social and community development activities.