Mavin Group to release Sustainable Development Report for the first time

On 10 April 2024, Mavin Group released the 2023 Sustainability Development Report. Mavin’s report implements the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards – the international standard system released in 2016, with the goal of supporting organizations in reporting on sustainable activities to ensure transparency.

Through transparent and responsible reporting, bases on the 17 comprehensive sustainable development goals (“SDGs”) of the United Nations, Mavin Group’s Sustainable Development Report includes relevant information, regarding the orientation and approach to sustainable development issues, management methods of key areas, and the results Mavin achieved in 2023. 

According to Mavin, the Company undertakes this report primarily to support Mavin Group in implementing a sustainable development strategy as the success of any sustainable development strategy depends on how each member of Mavin understand what sustainable development entails and take specific actions. Mavin also confirms that the Sustainable Development Report will be issued yearly, and the results of ESG activities (E-Environment, S-Social, G-Corporate Governance) will be continuously monitored and evaluated regularly. 

Mr.David John Whitehead, Chairman of Mavin Group said: “The year 2023 marked a significant shift in how businesses approach sustainability. It's no longer just about being “green” it's about embedding sustainable practices into every aspect of operations and corporate ethos. This shift reflects a growing recognition that sustainability is not just an environmental issue but also a business imperative linked to profitability, brand reputation, and long-term success”. Mavin Chairman also emphasized the year of 2024 to release a separate Report on Sustainable Development for the first time, which is an important milestone to celebrate the 20-year Anniversary of Mavin Group in Vietnam. 

Mavin’s Sustainable Development Report recognizes the Group's Operational results in terms of environmental and social aspects to improve efficiency, bring benefits to Mavin’s business activities, create a happy working environment for employees, while spread good values to the community and the whole society. 

On the journey to implementing ESG goals, commitment to sustainable development receives consensus from 100% of Mavin employees and is emphasized in the Group’s long-term development strategy. At the same time, responding to the call of the Government and the Ministry of Agriculture toward the Net Zero goal, Mavin Group is also having initiatives and innovations in protecting the environment, contributing to change awareness and behavior, not only of Mavin’s employees but also customers and the whole community. One of Mavin’s initiatives toward this goal is trying to implement the circular economy and circular agriculture to livestock complexes that Mavin is investing and constructing in Vietnam. 

A livestock complex of Mavin that applies circular agriculture

Mavin’s 2023 Sustainable Development Report is shared HERE on the Mavin website so that interested individuals and organizations can easily read.