Mavin cooperates with Nghe An University of Economics

On 31/03/2023, during the Job Fair event of Nghe An University of Economics, Mavin Group organized direct recruitment of final year students of the University for the Mavin Pigfarm and Mavin Feed.

Although the early morning weather had light rain and humidity, it can not stop the enthusiasm and excitement of potential students and candidates from coming to Mavin's recruitment booth. Students asked a lot of questions to the recruitment department of all industries as well as expressed their interest in not only the job but also the knowledge and skills practiced when joining the Mavin system. 

Nghe An University of Economics is a public higher education institution, training multidisciplinary high-quality human resources in the direction of application; is a center for research, application and transfer of science and technology to meet the socio-economic development requirements of Nghe An province and the whole country.

Within the cooperation between the two sides, Mavin will coordinate with the University to organize direct recruitment and receive interns from student sources of Nghe An University of Economics. At the same time, Mavin will also support career orientation counseling, consulting necessary soft skills for final year students of the University.

According to Mr. David John Whitehead, Chairman of Mavin Group, Mavin is currently investing in a lot of Livestock Farm Complex Projects, in a closed supply chain, with deep processing across the country, with technology and standards that meet the best practices of the world. Therefore, Mavin is a ideal working environment for candidates, enables employees not only develop their own experience but also have access to the latest technology, the latest knowledge as well as the most standard processes of the world.

In order to access high-quality labor resources as soon as possible, Mavin Group has cooperated with many prestigious training institutions across the country such as: Vietnam Agricultural Academy, Can Tho University, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Tay Nguyen University,  College of Economics and Technology of Peace, Thai Nguyen University.... Each year, hundreds of students from the schools are accepted by Mavin for internships, soft skills training, career skills and direct recruitment.

Students of Nghe An University of Economics were interested in learning about products of Mavin's supply chain

Pigfarm and Feed Staff at the event