Leaders of Than Uyen district - Lai Chau province visit Mavin Group

On 9th April 2022, Mavin Group was honored to welcome a delegation of People's Committees of Than Uyen District, Lai Chau Province to visit offices and production facilities in Hanoi, Ha Nam and Hung Yen.

The delegation was led by Mr. Hoang Huu An - Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the District People's Council, and Mr. Lo Van Huong - Chairman of the People's Committee, Mr. Nguyen Van Thang - Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee and delegates from Construction Investment Project Division, Agriculture Department, Agricultural Service Center, leaders of Phuc Than, Ta Mung, Muong Kim communes...

The delegation visited Mavin Food Processing Factory in Ha Nam, Aquatic Feedmill and Animal Feedmill in Hung Yen and visited Mavin Head Office in Hanoi.

Delegation visited Mavin Animal Feedmill in Hung Yen and Food Processing Factory in Ha Nam


The Delegation visited Mavin Head Office (Hanoi)

Lai Chau is one of the mountainous provinces where Mavin Group is investing in livestock megafarm and agricultural product processing complex in response to the call of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam on " investment in poverty alleviation” in the northern mountainous provinces.

According to Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Deputy General Director of Mavin, Mavin's investment projects will contribute hundreds of billions of dong to the province’s budget each year as well as create jobs for thousands of laborers in Mavin’s livestock farms. With the model of a combination of husbandry, cultivation and processing of agricultural products, Mavin will also create conditions for farmers to grow maize, cassava and other agricultural products to serve Mavin's livestock supply chain. Mavin's project will also transfer professional husbandry knowledge and techniques to local people, boost the local economy and especially attract more foreign investors to Than Uyen and Lai Chau province.

Mr. Hoang Huu An, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council said that Than Uyen District deeply appreciates Mavin's love for a poor mountainous district like Than Uyen, and sincerely hopes Mavin will soon promote investment in Than Uyen. The investment will help to solve such matters as: Building a chain of agricultural product linkages; Provide quality livestock breeds; Create jobs for people.

Added the the livestock farm investment, Than Uyen district also proposed Mavin Group to consider the lake surface area to invest in large-scale and professional export aquaculture farm.

Mr. Hoang Huu An, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of Than Uyen District People's Council spoke at the meeting with leaders of Mavin Group

Mr. Lo Van Huong - Chairman of the District People's Committee and Mr. Dao Manh Hoa - Deputy General Director of Mavin Group discussed the development potential of Than Uyen district and Lai Chau province.

Leaders of Mavin Group took souvenir photos with the delegation