Mavin signed a MOU on Investment Cooperation with Lai Chau Province

On December 4, 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam coordinated with the People's Committee of Lai Chau province to organize a conference on agricultural investment promotion in Lai Chau province in 2021, with the theme "Economic recovery, flexible and safe adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic”. Attending the conference were Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Lai Chau Giang Pao My, several ministries and investors.

Within the framework of the Conference, with the desire to awaken the potentials of Lai Chau province and develop local agriculture, Mavin Group and Lai Chau province agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Investment Cooperation (MOU), serve as a basis for surveying, evaluating and proposing investment and development plans for livestock production of Mavin Group in Lai Chau province.

Mr. David John Whitehead - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mavin Group and Mr. Ha Trong Hai - Vice Chairman of Lai Chau Provincial People's Committee signed a MOU on investment cooperation with the witness of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and some leaders of Ministries.

Representing investors speaking at the conference, Chairman Mavin likened: “Lai Chau is still like a sleeping highland princess and needs a sincere and healthy prince (of course handsome, the better ... ) to wake up to then develop together. We hope Lai Chau province will consider our Mavin Group as a good candidate for the princess, helping to awaken the potentials of Lai Chau province, to develop local agriculture with Mavin, bringing a new face for the province in the future".

Mr. David also affirmed that Lai Chau is fully capable of developing large projects, applying circular economy in agriculture that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam recently initiated.

At the conference, Mavin Group also proposed two investment projects in Lai Chau province, including:
- A closed livestock complex, including feed factories, livestock systems, and organic fertilizer production from livestock waste, and use this source of fertilizer to grow some input materials for animal feed production. This will be a project with an area of about 300 hectares with an investment scale of about 25 million USD.
- An export aquaculture project with an area of about 300 hectares of water surface area of Ban Chat hydropower reservoir, with an investment scale of about USD 05 million.

The Agricultural Investment Promotion Conference is an important event, an opportunity for Lai Chau province to introduce the potentials and strengths in the field of agriculture, bringing investors about a Lai Chau with development potential and an attractive and safe destination.

On this occasion, Lai Chau Provincial People's Committee awarded investment policy decisions for 8 projects, signed a memorandum of understanding on investment commitment between the People's Committee of Lai Chau province and investors, signed a memorandum of understanding between the investors. Associations; signed a cooperation program between the People's Committee of Lai Chau province and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.