Austfeed - Business Review Conference

On 12/07/2014, in Moc Chau- Son La, Austfeed held a preliminary summary for the first 6 months and planned business activities for the last 6 months of year 2014 for the northern region.  The conference had the presence of Chairman of the Board, Mr. David Whitehead, the members in the Board of management, Board of directors and Sales excutives in the Northern region.

Although facing economic difficulties and gloomy livestock production’s situation, Austfeed still sustains the top quality and the impressive business growing speed compared to the same period last year. Distribution systems have been continuously expanded and supporting activities for farmers have been consolidated which improves the close relationship between customers and the company.

At the conference, Mr. David John Whitehead praised the achievement in the first 6 months, reviewed the general macroeconomics at the moment and the agricultural developing trend. He analyzed the competitive advantages of products and service quality, then confirmed the vision of Austfeed is precise and required the all business excutives to focus on the plan “Raising profit and developing distribution” in order to creating sustainability for the long-term development of the company. The Board of management and all of officers of Ausfeed are very proud of achieved results and confident in the future successes.