Feed for poultry

1. Mixture for broiler
Products for white chickens 5401, 5402, 5403, 5404 & Products for colored chicken 5301, 5302, 5303


- Using special ingredients helps chicken digest food better.
- Adding organic pigments to help the feet and skin naturally yellow.
- Supplementing digestive enzymes to reduce pollutant waste into the environment.
- Design products in stages, in line with customer needs.
- Low feed consumption ratio (FCR), increasing profits for producers.

2. Mixture for layer chicken
Products for chicken 5587

• Feed for chickens to ensure good health and health for laying hens
• Healthy chickens, high uniformity
• Helping chickens reduce stress during gilts and transfer bran
• Complete digestive system stimulates feed intake when laying hens

 Mixture for layer chicken 5588, 5588S

- High quality raw materials 
- Helps chickem complete digestive system, stimulating food intake when chickens lay eggs.
- Reduce stress during the gilts, go to egg laying stage.
- High rate of laying eggs, beautiful eggs, durable roofs helps the maximum efficiency.
- Dry manure, reduce stinking smell.

3. Mixture for geese and ducks
Mixture for geese and ducks 6101, 6102

- Special ingredients help digest food well and grow faster.
- Using special pelleting technology to make pellets stronger and more durable to reduce food loss.
- The pickling stage helps ducks avoid infection and develops the maximum frame
- A special preparation helps duck strong bones, fragrant meat.
- Low FCR with outstanding nutrition, maximizing profit for farmers.

Mixture for layer duck 6688

- Balanced nutrition, stable quality, reduced food consumption.
- The egg is high, the egg is beautiful, prolonging the exploitation time.

4. Mixture for quail
Mixture for quail 3386, 3388

- Balanced nutrition, stable quality.
- Fat bird, hold body after elimination.
- Thick eggshell, beautiful pattern.
- Dry manure, reduce stinking smell.