Spreading the spirit of mutual solidarity within Mavin

On the occasion of Tet to Spring, in order to spread the good values in the collective, Mavin Group visited directly and gave Tet gifts to families of staff with special difficulties in the Mavin system.

23 Tet gifts for disadvantaged officials

The Mavin Group Charity Fund has donated 23 Tet gifts to 23 poor and disadvantaged workers of the Mavin system. Representatives of grassroots trade unions and Human Resources Administration departments of member companies directly visited each officer's family and presented these meaningful Tet gifts to officials. 

Mavin Austfeed Nghe An Factory, Binh Dinh, Dong Thap on behalf of the Charity Foundation presented Tet gifts to staffs:

Supporting the 6 most disadvantaged families Mavin System

In addition, 6 officers with special difficulties have also been selected by the Mavin Group Charity Fund to accompany them throughout 2024. Specifically, each family is supported with 1 million VND/month to share living expenses, medical costs, tuition fees for children of officials.

This program has been maintained over the years and is a beauty in the Mavin family, bringing necessary encouragement to officers, helping them to work confidently because there is always a team to accompany and support.

Mavin Austfeed Hung Yen Factory Trade Union visited and presented Tet gifts and support packages in 2024 from the Charity Fund to disadvantaged employees of the Factory: