Mekovet organizes the Grassroots Trade Union Congress of Tien Giang Agriculture & Rural Development Trade Union

In the exciting competitive atmosphere of labor officials, especially to welcome the Congress of Trade Unions of Progressives to the VIII Congress of Vietnam Trade Unions, on February 25, 2023, in Cai Lậy Town, Tien Giang Province, Cai Lậy Veterinary Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Mekovet) successfully organized the Eighth Session of the Grassroots Trade Union Congress for the term 2023-2028. The Congress aims to evaluate the performance of the Grassroots Trade Union Committee for the 2017-2022 term as well as decide on the direction, tasks and elect a new Trade Union Committee.

The congress was attended by many trade union leaders in Tien Giang province.

The Congress was attended by many trade union leaders of Tien Giang province including: Ms. Vo Thi My - member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Propaganda Department and Women Workers of Tien Giang province, Ms. Huynh Kim Thoa - member of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Labor Union - President of the Trade Union of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tien Giang province,  and members of the Sectoral Trade Union Committee, Vice Chairman of the Business Sector, Trade Union under the Agriculture and Rural Development sector of Tien Giang province. On Mekovet's side are the Board of Directors and 84 members of the Company's grassroots trade union.

Union members participate in the election of personnel of the Trade Union Executive Committee for a new term

At the Congress, the Trade Union of Cai Lay Veterinary Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company synthesized comments on the documents of the VIIth Congress of the Trade Union of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Document of the Eighth Session of the University of Agriculture and Rural Development for the term 2023 – 2028, the election of personnel of the Executive Committee, the Inspection Committee and the Delegation to the 7th Congress of trade unions,  term 2023-2028. The union members also participated actively in the presentations on the work of taking care of life to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers as well as occupational safety and health, fire prevention.

The Executive Committee of Cai Lay Veterinary Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company VIII term 2023 – 2028 includes: Mr. Than Van Dung - Chairman, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong - Vice Chairman, Ms. Tran Thi Kieu Chinh - Member, Ms. Vo Thi Le Trinh - UV and Mr. Vo Thanh Integrity - UV.

The Congress also listened to the comments from Ms. Huynh Kim Thoa – member of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Labor Union – President of the Trade Union of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tien Giang province, expressing the close attention of the sectoral trade union leaders to the activities of grassroots trade unions, thereby absorbing the resolution,  annual operational plan to lead union activity and build stronger trade union organization.

In the term of 2017-2022, the grassroots trade union of Cai Lay Veterinary Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company has successfully implemented the resolution of the 7th Congress and has been awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Tien Giang Provincial Labor Federation and the Certificate of Merit of the Trade Union of Agriculture and Rural Development. With that excellent performance, the Grassroots Trade Union Congress of Cai Lay Veterinary Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company VIII term 2023-2028 was selected as the point congress of the Trade Union of agriculture and rural development in Tien Giang province.