Mavin gave chicks to support farmers in Ha Giang province

On 14/09/2020, in Yen Binh Town, Quang Binh District, Ha Giang Province - Mavin Group gave 5,000 Day-Old-Chicks (Ri Mavin 233) to farmers of Yen Binh town. The total number of DOC of the program was 10,000 chicks, distributed in 2 batches, on 14 and 21 September 2020.

The DOC and chicken feed of Mavin (Stargro 8031, 8032, 8033)

Farmers selected in the Program need to meet conditions for breeding chicken such as: barns, biosafety,... They will be provided with free DOC of Mavin, accompanying with technical support, advice of breeding process with Mavin's high quality animal feed products and veterinary medicine. The result of breeding process will be referred to develop poultry breeding projects of Yen Binh.
Previously, a training workshop on technical transfer of colored feathers was organized by Mavin in Yen Binh town on 10/09/2020 to help the farmers well prepared before receiving the DOCs. The training workshop provided farmers with knowledge about Ri Mavin 233 and breeding procedures such as: barn preparation, nutrition, disease prevention,…

Farmers of Yen Binh were excited to receive Mavin’s DOC

Chicken Ri Mavin 233 is an exclusive product, researched and selected by Sasso Chicken Breeding Company (France). Thanks to the breeding and selection from the famous European chicken with the high purity of Vietnam’s, the Mavin chicken has many outstanding qualities, including: shortening the breeding time by 5 - 10 days; Gaining more than 200g; and especially helping farmers save up to 300g of feed per 1 kg of gain.

Mavin chicks were transferred to a farmer’s barn

Mavin Group expects that, with high quality breeds, advanced knowledge and experience in breeding that Mavin transferred to farmers will contribute to changing Quang Binh's chicken farming practices, not only helps farmers master their jobs but also increasing the household income, contributes to local economic development.