Mavin distribute chicken breeds for the best yield in the market

From October 2019, Mavin Group has officially distributed high quality chicken breeds to meet the need of farmers for the best yield.

These are exclusive products, researched and selected on the basis of a strategic cooperation between Mavin Group and Sasso Chicken Company (France). Through experimental breeding, Mavin's breeding chickens have demonstrated advanced genetic characteristics, high yield and economic efficiency.

Thanks to selection from well-known European chickens and domestic chickens of Vietnam, Mavin chickens have many outstanding qualities, namely: Shortening the breeding period from 5 to 10 days; Increase weight more than 200 gram; save up to 300 gram of feed per 1 kg of weight gain.

According to Mavin Group leader, the Company will focus on breeding improvement solutions and application of advanced breeding methods to improve productivity. Mavin is currently expanding its connection with many breeding partners to distribute quality poultry breeds under the motto "Good breeds are the source of all successes". 

In order to have a high-quality seed, apart from directly importing genetic resources, Mavin also leads the market in the application of 4.0 technology. The breeding system ensures advanced and strict breeding processes for the best quality of breeds such as: Closed pen system, Automatic feeding and feeding system; Strict vaccination process; High quality feed source, no banned substances.

In addition to improve the quality of poultry breeds, Mavin has expanded its breeding cooperation network to support farmers solve three problems including: How to take advantage and scale up the breeding ground? How to minimize risks? How to stabilize and increase income? Mavin has signed a strategic cooperation with the world's leading livestock equipment suppliers such as Big Dutchman, Fancom, Roxell, .... Thanks to the advantages of good genetic resources, modern breeding techniques, strict breeding processes, large investment and methodical work, Mavin is a reliable partner of many farmers nationwide.