Mavin’s chairman spoke at World Vision's 2022 Limitless

The target of a zero-hunger world by 2030 is under threat. Despite the promise of global leaders in 2015 to end hunger and poverty and to reduce inequality, hunger rates are on the rise again due to conflict, climate change and COVID. Asia is home to more than 4.6 billion people, about 60% of the world's population. So, it's not surprising that more than half of the world’s hungry people also live in Asia. In fact, Asia and the Pacific is home to nearly half a billion (479 million) undernourished people. Sustainable food systems are critical to a zero-hunger world.  

Sustainable food systems need support from a vast range of stakeholders from the farmers to the final consumer, from governments to private sector to civil society. Sustainable food systems embrace the interconnectedness of all the food-related activities and the environment within which these activities occur. 

Food system can to be built on and sustained by a combination of global and local knowledge, and the sharing of challenges and good practices. What are the challenges, best practices and innovations to a hunger-free world? That was one of the issues of interest at World Vision's 2022 Limitless Enterprise Summit and Mr. David John Whitehead, Chairman of Mavin Group was honored to be a speaker in the online panel discussion "Sustainable food systems – interplay of community, corporations and civil society” on August 3, 2022.

Participating in the discussion session with Chairman Mavin were CEOs and business leaders in the food industry in Asia such as Mr. Paul Newman - Director of Advocacy Hub (Singapore), Mr. Amri IImma - Managing Director of Edufarmers (belonging to Edufarmers). Japfa Group), Ms. Peggy Chan - CEO of food chain Zero Food Print Asia (Hong Kong), Ms. Jucy Boucek - Director of Nutrition APAC.

During the discussion session, President Mavin and Asia's leading business leaders discussed issues such as factors affecting food supply in the region and solutions. cooperation between businesses and the whole society in hunger eradication, sustainable solutions that businesses apply to promote food security...

Mr. David also shared Mavin's solutions and efforts to develop a clean food supply chain, contributing safe and hygiene products to the community during 18 years of operation in Vietnam. Mavin President emphasized the important role of partners such as IFC, World Vision Vietnam, etc., in Mavin's sustainable development journey in recent years, together with Mavin contribute to the community with solutions on livelihood support, animal welfare, etc. Mavin's presentation on digital transformation program attracted the attention of the speakers and received unanimous support for the digital transformation journey of Mavin.

World Vision's Limitless 2022 Enterprise Summit was held online on August 2 and 3, 2022, with the participation of more than 400 businesses and corporations that are World Vision's partners from 27 countries. to exchange and discuss to seek cooperation opportunities for a better world.

Please watch the entire discussion session with the participation of Mavin’s Chairman here: